International Alliance of Bill Posters and Billers of America Local #1

Lots 4 & 5 Section 55 also Lots 4&5 Section 44
Bill posters pasted up, or "posted," advertising sheets for everything from circuses and political rallies to product advertisements. This is an excellent example of a trade union burial plot. The small, simple headstones with identical inscriptions speak of a union membership that was neither highly skilled nor highly paid. In the days before the widespread use of private life insurance, burial privileges and allowances were an important benefit of union membership. Such assurances provided members with the peace of mind that they would not end up in a potters field, but would receive a proper burial among their co-workers.
Compare the headstones in the Bill Posters plot to the more expensive red granite stones found in the Masonic Pleiades Lodge plot immediately to the north. To the south of the Bill Posters plot is the Cambrian Society plot, for those of Welsh descent. There is no central monument, but Welsh surnames and some Welsh inscriptions are evident.
Information from Nature’s Choicest Spot: A Guide to Forest Home and German Waldheim Cemeteries
Bill posters pasted up, or "posted," advertising sheets for everything from circuses and political rallies to product advertisements. This is an excellent example of a trade union burial plot. The small, simple headstones with identical inscriptions speak of a union membership that was neither highly skilled nor highly paid. In the days before the widespread use of private life insurance, burial privileges and allowances were an important benefit of union membership. Such assurances provided members with the peace of mind that they would not end up in a potters field, but would receive a proper burial among their co-workers.
Compare the headstones in the Bill Posters plot to the more expensive red granite stones found in the Masonic Pleiades Lodge plot immediately to the north. To the south of the Bill Posters plot is the Cambrian Society plot, for those of Welsh descent. There is no central monument, but Welsh surnames and some Welsh inscriptions are evident.
Information from Nature’s Choicest Spot: A Guide to Forest Home and German Waldheim Cemeteries